purchase locally

freshness & flavor

your community

Welcome To

COVID-19 Update

We are dedicated to providing you with top quality beef. During these times, we are not allowing pasture visits and all deliveries will be made to your door if possible. All precautions will continue to be taken to ensure your and our safety while maintaining a prime product. Please be patient as our demand has increased significantly and local butchers are overwhelmed. Thank you. 

You're part of the local economy, so you understand how important it is to keep local communities vibrant and moving forward. Purchase from someone local, who has the same interests and goals as you! When you purchase locally, you're helping your neighbors!

Your beef was born and raised in your neck of the woods! They enjoy the wonderful California weather and eat California native grasses! They are raised in your natural communities!

Come out and purchase from a local producer of local goods. You'll feel good about being part of something bigger. When you buy local, you're not paying for a CEO's fourth Tesla, you're paying for a child's college tuition! 

Our beef isn't just finished locally, it was born and raised locally! 

We guarantee that the beef you get is from cattle born and raised in the USA.

Nothing is more satisfying than quality meats raised locally with love, care, and dedication to the well-being of the animal. Animals are processed once they are purchased. No long-term frozen and stored meats when you buy local! Grass-fed beef is flavorful and tender when raised and processed correctly. Come try it!